Traditional Medicine Practices in Malatya

Traditional Medicine Practices

Malatya, nestled in Eastern Anatolia, Turkey, embraces a rich cultural heritage that includes traditional medicine practices passed down through generations. These practices, deeply rooted in local customs and beliefs, offer alternative healthcare options alongside modern medical treatments. This article explores traditional medicine practices in Malatya, highlighting their history, principles, and enduring influence on healthcare in the region.

Historical Background

Traditional medicine in Malatya traces its origins to ancient Anatolian civilizations, where herbal remedies, natural therapies, and spiritual healing methods were used to treat various ailments. Over centuries, these practices evolved through cultural exchanges and interactions with neighboring civilizations, including Greek, Persian, Arabic, and Ottoman influences.

Principles and Philosophy

Traditional medicine in Malatya is based on holistic principles that emphasize the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit. Practitioners believe in maintaining balance and harmony within the body’s natural energies (qi or life force) to achieve optimal health. Treatments often integrate herbal remedies, dietary adjustments, physical therapies, and spiritual practices to restore balance and promote wellbeing.

Common Traditional Medicine Practices

Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine plays a central role in traditional practices in Malatya. Local healers, known as “hacıs,” “aşıks,” or “marabas,” possess extensive knowledge of medicinal plants and herbs native to the region. Herbal remedies are prepared from leaves, roots, flowers, and seeds, selected for their therapeutic properties in treating specific health conditions such as digestive disorders, respiratory ailments, and skin conditions.

Traditional Medicine Practices
Traditional Medicine Practices

Cupping Therapy

Cupping therapy, or “hacamat” in Turkish, is a traditional treatment used to stimulate blood flow, relieve muscle tension, and promote healing. Practitioners place heated glass or bamboo cups on the skin to create suction, drawing out toxins and improving circulation. Cupping therapy is believed to alleviate pain, improve immune function, and detoxify the body.

Spiritual Healing and Prayer

Spiritual healing practices, often intertwined with Islamic traditions, involve recitation of prayers, verses from the Quran, and invocations of divine blessings (dua) for healing purposes. Spiritual healers, known as “holy men” or “şifacı,” offer spiritual guidance, blessings, and supplications to address physical, emotional, and spiritual afflictions. These practices are valued for their therapeutic effects on mental wellbeing and spiritual rejuvenation.

Traditional Diagnostic Methods

Traditional healers in Malatya employ diagnostic methods that combine observational skills, palpation, and patient history to assess health conditions. Pulse diagnosis (nabız), tongue examination, and analysis of bodily fluids are used to identify imbalances and determine appropriate treatment approaches. Diagnostic techniques may also include astrology, numerology, and dream interpretation, reflecting cultural beliefs in holistic health assessment.

Integration with Modern Healthcare

In contemporary Malatya, traditional medicine practices coexist with modern healthcare systems, offering patients diverse treatment options and holistic approaches to health management. Many healthcare providers recognize the value of integrating traditional practices with evidence-based medicine, promoting patient-centered care and cultural sensitivity in healthcare delivery.

Preservation and Revitalization Efforts

Efforts are underway in Malatya to preserve and revitalize traditional medicine practices, safeguarding indigenous knowledge and promoting sustainable use of medicinal plants. Educational programs, workshops, and research initiatives are conducted to document traditional healing methods, train new practitioners, and raise awareness about the cultural significance of traditional medicine in community health.


Traditional medicine practices in Malatya continue to play a significant role in healthcare, offering insights into holistic healing, cultural identity, and community resilience. By preserving ancient wisdom and integrating traditional knowledge with modern healthcare approaches, Malatya honors its heritage while addressing contemporary health challenges with compassion and diversity.